When does the PPWR apply?

On May 24, 2024, the outgoing EU Parliament finally said YES to the PPWR proposal. However, this does not mean that everything is in place with what we have to comply with in the future, but we have clear intentions.

What happens next is that the agreed texts are legally and editorially reviewed and then the new EU Parliament must also approve them, which is expected to happen in the fall of 2024. The Council of Ministers will then have to formally accept the proposal, which could be towards the end of the year.

Only then does the formulation of the final regulatory framework and the so-called delegated acts to which the framework in some cases refers begin. The rules will be valid 18 months after their publication. Exactly when this will be is difficult to say, but sometime between 2027 and 2028 is probably realistic, although it could be later.

What can producers expect?

The proposal means that, for example:

  • All packaging must be recyclable, according to a rating scale currently under development.
  • All packaging must contain recycled material. For plastic packaging, the minimum percentage of recycled material is specified but there also seems to be an exception if bio-based raw material is used. The proportion of recycled material will be calculated using the mass balance method, but it is still unclear whether chemically recycled material will count as recycled from this aspect.

There will be more demand for reusable packaging:

  • This includes if they are made of plastic.
  • Take-away restaurants must also accept that consumers bring their own packaging.
  • Single-use plastic packaging for take-away will be completely banned.

As waste volumes are to be reduced, it will be:

  • Compelling to minimize packaging
  • e-commerce packaging and transport packaging to have limits on the amount of air in the packaging

Do you have any questions or concerns? TMR helps you as a producer to navigate through new regulations and facilitate the transition for your business.

Contact us:

Christian Håkansson
Packaging Manager
+46 (0)73 513 19 46