Our Vision

TMR contributes to a circular economy by being the obvious partner of choice in the Nordic region for all companies with producer responsibility.

Mission & Promises

TMR is a producer responsibility organization that works every day to simplify and improve the recycling of packaging of all material types in the Nordic region. We are the obvious partner of choice for our customers, helping them with all aspects of their producer responsibility, including administration, reporting and developing more easily recyclable packaging.

TMR manages all aspects of your producer responsibility with tailored term and smart innovations. We work with our customers to prevent the occurrence of packaging waste and prevent littering through smart packaging design.

Core Values

The Packaging Regulation

As a producer
responsibility organization

  • Owner: Carl Lundqvist Jan Troell
  • The Packaging Regulation prohibits approved producer responsibility organizations from distributing profits. As TMR is an approved producer responsibility organization, it operates on a non-profit basis.
  • Packaging fees are charged per kilogram of packaging material placed on the market.
  • TMR selects transportation suppliers to minimize the carbon footprint. TMR selects recycling facilities to maximize the portion of recycled packaging material.
  • TMR contributes to the recycling targets partly by steering towards more recyclable packaging material and partly by using efficient recycling methods for each type of packaging.
  • TMR contributes to litter reduction targets by participating in the design of the packaging and by working with organizations to collect litter in nature.
Join us See our affiliated producers

Our Journey

TMR is a producer responsibility organization founded in 2005, at a time when there was only one national collection system for packaging in Sweden. Producer responsibility was perceived as complicated, the conditions were difficult to influence and the administration was burdensome. Basically all producers had a standard contract and there producer had no influence on the terms of the contract or how packaging was handled.

Since the beginning, it has been with this insight that we have been helping our customers with all aspects of producer responsibility. From contracts tailored to customers’ needs and personalized customer service to innovative recycling that gives packaging a new life.

The legislated producer responsibility places increasing demands on those who put packaging on the Swedish market. At the same time, businesses have become more ambitious. More and more people want to take a leadership role in the transition. We cultivate the high sustainability ambitions of the producers who hire us. Customers with their unique capabilities and wishes challenge and inspire us.

Developments in legislation and technology affect both us and our customers. TMR continues to develop and find new solutions to close the loop, always with the customer in mind.


TMR’s sustainability work takes place on several fronts, including climate, circularity, traceability, innovation and social sustainability. We are working in the short term to adapt circular solutions to today’s reality and in the long term to support the industry’s transition.

Our sustainability report includes disclosures to enhance customers and partners’ understanding of TMR-gruppen AB’s sustainability performance in 2022.

Sustainability report 2022

Involvement in networks


TMR is a member of the non-profit organization RecyClass, which works across several industries to drive the transition towards circular plastic use. Through its work, TMR promotes the recycling of plastic products and ensures the traceability of plastic waste and recycled plastics in Europe.

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Swedish Institute for Standards, SiS

TMR is an expert member of the SiS working group on recycling and design for plastic packaging recycling. SiS is a non-profit organization that collaborates with international partners within ISO and CEN to create common standards at a global level. By participating in their work, different companies and organizations can contribute to increasing Sweden’s competitiveness and promoting sustainable development for society.

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