We handle all types of packaging material

Collection & Recycling rate

Since 2005, TMR has been responsible for ensuring that our customers fulfill their producer responsibility. We work every day to recycle as much packaging as possible in Sweden.

As of the 1st of January 2024, the municipalities overtook the collection responsibility from producer responsibility organizations (PRO) such as TMR. This means that TMR’s collection operations towards Swedish households have ceased.

Below you can read about our collection and recycling results.

TMR collection rate
household packaging in 2023


Paper packaging


Plastic packaging


Metal packaging

The collection rate is a measure of our own collection performance, calculated by the amount of household packaging put on the market by our producer customers compared to the volume collected from households before sorting.

TMR recycling rate
household packaging 2023


Paper packaging


Plastic packaging


Metal packaging

The recycling rate is the official target by the regulation. It is calculated nationally by comparing the amount of packaging put on the market by Swedish producers with the amount of collected packaging that has become new products. The recycling rate is also the European measurement of Member States’ compliance with packaging recycling targets. For our part, we compile the amount of packaging collected by us that has become new products and report to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency annually in arrears. The authority then calculates the national results.


Quality throughout the recycling chain

TMR, in collaboration with its partners, ensures traceability throughout the material flow, from collected packaging material to reprocessed raw material that can be reused in new products or packaging. Even for sorted, non-recyclable packaging, sustainable management is guaranteed through energy recovery. This gives us full visibility into each step of the process and its efficiency.

In the field of plastics, TMR is a supporting member of RecyClass, a cross-industry initiative
that brings together material producers, converters, brand owners and recyclers. Together,
they work to improve the recyclability of plastics through common design guidelines and
scientifically validated testing methods. A primary target is that all recipients of sorted plas-
tic material for recycling should be certified according to EUCertPlus, a recognized standard
that ensures traceability throughout the recycling process.


What happens to what TMR recycles?

All plastic packaging collected from Swedish households goes to automated sorting in Sweden and Finland, based on where it is collected. The plastics that cannot be recycled go to energy recovery in the same countries.

All the paper packaging we collect from Swedish households is recycled at paper mills in Sweden and Northern Europe.

All metal packaging goes for sorting in the Nordic region.