On January 1, 2024, municipalities will take over the operational responsibility of producers for collecting packaging from Swedish households. The new regulatory framework implies changes in responsibilities, both for TMR’s activities as a producer responsibility organization (PRO) and for affiliated producers.
TMR has worked intensively to ensure that affiliated producers are well prepared for the new packaging collection regime. The EPA approved TMR as a PRO, under the new regulation, in October 2023. Thus, we are now responsible for
- Treating and recycling household packaging waste
- Collecting and treating packaging waste from businesses
- Financing the municipal collection system
- Reporting data to the Environmental Protection Agency
As a leading PRO, we remain committed to supporting our customers in fulfilling their producer responsibility, while continuously improving our operations.
TMR will contribute to sustainable development and the industry’s transition to a circular economy. This is done by integrating sustainability into all aspects of the business, from internal processes to customer relations and partners. With this focus, we not only create positive environmental impacts, we also empower our customers – whose own sustainability goals depend on us providing the right support and high quality services at competitive prices.
As PROs, we have an important role in looking at the whole packaging value chain. This is particularly important when implementing a new regulatory framework. We look at product, market and recycling system conditions to help our customers find the best solution for them.
We understand and listen to our customers and work to tailor innovative solutions. As a safe and trustworthy partner, we not only have knowledge about producer responsibility, consumer behavior and recycling, but also the business and daily life of producers.
TMR works in the short term to adapt circular solutions to today’s reality and in the long term to support the industry’s transition. We will effectively contribute to the national recycling targets for different material types.
Investing in, developing and making our sustainability work visible ensures that we are well equipped. Together with our customers, we face the common challenges and opportunities that lie ahead as producer responsibility and packaging collection change. Both in 2024 and beyond.
Read more about our sustainability strategy in TMR’s sustainability report here!