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Contact Sandreen

Sandreen Shaul
Marketing & Communications Officer | +46 (0)73 769 76 67

Visste du att vi driver en egen sorteringsanläggning?

Många vet att vi arbetar med producentansvar och återvinning av förpackningar, men färre känner till [...]

PPWR is now decided

We have prepared a short summary of the PPWR - Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation [...]

Litter Barometer 2024

Swedes' attitudes and behaviors around littering. Here are some of the key findings from the [...]


On May 24, 2024, the outgoing EU Parliament finally said YES to the PPWR proposal.

The new order is here!

As of January 1, municipalities took over responsibility for packaging collection, marking a new chapter [...]

TMR focus area: Circularity and Traceability

TMR contributes to the transition to a circular economy by promoting reuse, design for recycling, [...]